HvH aka hack vs hack is a "gamemode" that has been around as long as cheats have existed. Here cheaters play against other cheaters usually on community servers with VAC disabled using the rage bot. This gamemode is basically a sandbox where cheaters go against each other to see who has the best cheat/config.
In HvH with most public/private cheats the cheat itself doesnt make that huge of a differnce to your preformance as long as you are using an decent cheat, the two most important factors are your playstyle and your config. This guide should help you understand the basics of configing and will explain how to adapt settings to your playstyle (e.g agressive, defensive, semi agressive and pussy 1wer)
Making a config
The first step to making your hvh config is to determine your playstyle in hvh. Once you have determined that then you can move on to making your own config by following the steps/guide below:
First off, the "Aimbot" tab:
Most of the features here are self explanitory so ill only go over the ones that are important here.
FOV: The field of view of the rage bot aka where the rbot will aim. Always set this to 180 degrees since ur hvhing.
Aim Lock: This forces the rbot to aim at one target until it is killed. Dont recommend having this on since in some senarios its better to take shots at multiple enemies and not just focus on one.
Knife bot: Automatically stabs with your knife depending on the mode selected. Since aimware fixed the default knifebot i recomemnd using that one.
Now onto the "Accuracy" tab:
Here the features dont need explination so I will just guide you on what to set values to.
Slowwalk: I dont recommend going over 34% on this, I usually go for something around 15-34%. Doublefire: Use rapid for agressive and sift for passive playstyle. Zeus:From my experience with aimware the best settings to use for the zeus are, 80 hit chance, 100 minimum damage.
Pistols: Depending on the agressiveness of your playstyle you would want to lower the hit chance to be able to shoot at higher speeds, Between 20-65% hit chance again depending on how agressively you play with pistols, Between 8-20 depending on the pistol you are using, lower for lower damage pistols,
Heavy Pistols: hitchance should regardles of your playstyle be atleast 40 and max 60, for mindmg you can use anything from 20 to 60 depending on how early you want to shoot.
Submachine Guns: any hitchance and mindmg from 5 to 15 will work.
Scout: For hitchance 70 to 90 depending how early you want to shoot and how much you are ready to miss to shoot earlier. For mindmg use 70 to 100 (over 93 will go for head mostly)
Auto Snipers: For hitchance anything less than 60 will make you miss, and anything over 80 will make you shoot too late.
AWP: for hitchance choose something between 70 and 90 depending on how early you want to shoot. Mindmg should always be 100.
The "Hit Scan" tab: Aimware has quite unique way of doing hitscan, we will start with the mode and advanced tabs and then take a look at the hitbox points. Mode:https://imgur.com/kG07T99
For bodyaim you should use lethal on everything expect on auto and awp where its recommended to use priority, for hitbox overlap (safepoint) there are 3 options.
https://imgur.com/U8SdqWP (use one option per weapon)
zeus: Dont use safepoint.
Pistol: use prefer or advanced.
Heavy Pistol: use prefer or advanced.
Submachine Gun: use prefer or advanced.
Rifle: use prefer, advanced or no safepoint.
Shotgun: use prefer.
Scout: you should choose between no safepoint, advanced or prefer.
Auto Snipers: its recomemnded to either use prefer or force.
AWP: Use force safepoint.
LMGs: Dont use safepoint
This is the part where aimware configin comes down to personal preference, high options (red and orange) might cause fps issues on low end computers.
Pistols: head green-orange body blue-green, dont use legs or hands.
Heavy Pistols: if you want to baim i recommend having head on blue-green and body on green-red, dont use legs or hands. If you want to go for head use green-red for head and blue-green for body.
Submachine guns: it doesnt really matter what you use, turn head green and everything else blue.
Rifle: Put head on green-red depending on your personal preference. For body use green-blue.
Scout: This is where you have multiple options, remember to keep head on higher than body green-red, and body on blue-orange (you can disable chest to make sure you dont shoot below mindmg)
Auto: Head on blue. For body you can use different combos, anything from green to orange. For legs do nothing-green.
AWP: Head on blue, and stomach/pelvin on green-red.
The "Anti Aim" tab:Use Down pitch, real yaw backwards, Fake yaw default or opposite, at targets and autodirection if you dont want to use manual antiaim. Fakeduck allows you to shoot higher while crouching.
Static legs: Not helpfull, sometimes breaks aa.
Conditions: use disable on use (e) to get some 1ws you cant use without it, disable on grenade if you grenades go to the floor instead of where you throw them.
Shift On Shot: use on scout to prevent being onshotted, on other guns its useless and makes dt slow.
Fake expose: not usefull
Manual antiaim: personal preference.
Anti-Resolver: Presonal preference, makes some resolvers miss more.
Advanced configuration: Allows acces to yaw angle and lby extender, if you know what you are doing go ahead.
Last updated
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